lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Brazil's exports include coffee, sugar, Brazilian nuts, transportation equipment, iron ore, steel, soybeans, footwear, motor vehicles, concentrated orange juice, beef, and tropical hardwoods. Machinery, electrical and transportation equipment, chemical products, oil, and electronics are major imports.


1 Brazil real = 0.45296 U.S. dollars

Culture and Traditions

Brazil is famous for its carnivals and celebrations, again representing the fusion of African, Portuguese and native Indian cultures. The Samba is a distinctively Brazilian style of music and has its historical roots in the traditions of the Bantu people who came to Brazil from Angola in Africa. Brazil is one of the South American countries that is well known for its festive celebrations and annual events

Culture and Traditions

Brazil is fascinating for its miscegenation. The indigenous, European, Asian and African roots of Brazilians among many others are reflected not only in their culture as in their customs. The cuisine, music, crafts, architecture and festiva
ls imprint this multicultural identity. No wonder the country has 17 cultural and natural assets listed by UNESCO World Heritage Siteited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and one of the wonders of the modern world, the "Cristo Redentor" (Christ the Redeemer statue). Immigration in Brazil was extremely important for the formation of national culture. Characteristics from all over the world were added over the centuries since the arrival of the Portuguese in 1500. In addition to the contributions of Indians, blacks and Portuguese, the significant arrival of immigrants from all parts of Europe, the Middle East and Asia influenced the formation of Brazilian people. It should bee highlighted that, despite its territorial extent, the same language is spoken in all regions. Portuguese is the fifth most spoken language, and third among the western, after English and Spanish. The Brazilian Constitution guarantees the full exercise of cultural rights and states that the state should support, encourage and value their expression, and protect indigenous cultures, African-Brazilian and other groups participating in the national process of civilization.


how are you? tudo bom? / como vai? I'm fine! tudo bem! / tudo bom! / tudo tranqüilo! hello olá hello (phone) alô hi oi goodbye tchau (pronounced like the Italian ciao) / até logo / adeus (used more as "goodbye forever") good morning bom dia good afternoon boa tarde good evening boa noite good night boa noite please por favor thank you obrigado (masculine) / obrigada (feminine) you're welcome de nada yes sim no não